2018 Only Love by Sri Daya Mata – Facebook Reading Event

Dear Friends,

Please join us for a group reading of Only Love by Sri Daya Mata. From August 26th through October 2nd, a chapter a day will be read (33 Chapters and 30 pages of Divine Counsel for a total of 38 reading days). Although there’s a wealth of inspiration from our beloved Ma, please keep your posts and quotes only from “Only Love.” All sincere devotees are welcome to join us online or by reading at home!  Reading schedule below!


From the SRF website: “Sri Daya Mata was one of the foremost disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda. A true “Mother of Compassion,” as her name signifies, she inspired those of all faiths and from all walks of life with the wisdom and great love of God conveyed through her talks, writings, and recordings.

For more than seventy-five years, she dedicated her heart and soul to loving God and serving the worldwide work of Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India. She was the spiritual head and president of both from 1955 until her passing in 2010.”

Let us participate in this uplifting book event and feel the blessings from our beloved Master and our beloved Ma! We ask that you please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting! These group readings have been very powerful – let’s keep the momentum going! Master presence is clearly with us all! Jai Guru, Jai Ma


Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

8/26 – Why Should We Seek God?

8/27 – Man’s Expanding Horizons

8/28 – Our Divine Destiny

8/29 – Qualities of a Devotee

8/30 – Understanding One Another

8/31 – How to Change Others

9/1 – Lessons We Can Learn from Others

9/2 – The Importance of Loving God

9/3 – Spiritualizing Life

9/4 – The View of the Wise Toward Life’s Experiences

9/5 – Thoughts on Right Attitude

9/6 – Spiritual Opportunity in the New Year

9/7 – The Secret of Forgiving

9/8 – A Time for Prayer, a Time for Surrender

9/9 – Man’s Need for God

9/10 – How to Find Favor with God

9/11 – Secrets of Spiritual Progress

9/12 – Is Meditation on God Compatible with Modern Life?

9/13 – The Only Way to Happiness

9/14 – Heaven Lies Within

9/15 – Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods

9/16 – Experiences w/ My Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda

9/17 – The Path of Devotion

9/18 – A Blessing from Mahavatar Babaji

9/19 – The Spirit of Truth

9/20 – Do Avatars Have Karma?

9/21 – Our Oneness in God

9/22 – The Only Answer to Life

9/23 – Walk Inwardly with God

9/24 – Learning to Behave

9/25 – How to Know God

9/26 – Take Your Troubles to God

9/27 – The Spiritual Goals of Self-Realization Fellowship

9/28 – God is the Greatest Treasure, God is the Answer to Every Problem, The Psychological Battlefield of Good & Evil, Self-realization is Found in Inner Silence, We Have No Time to Waste

9/29 – Be on Fire for God, Divine Love Makes Each Soul Unique, Let God Help Carry Your Load, Rely on God Alone, Give God a Chance

9/30 – Admonition for Advancement on the Path, Divine Love is the Motivation of Right Activity, The Delusion of Mortal Consciousness, The Privilege of Serving God, Goals for a New Year

10/1 – We are Bound Together by Love, The Divine Mother as Disciplinarian, Bringing Out the Best Within Us, The Power of Discrimination

10/2 – Watch Your Own Thoughts and Actions, A Pattern for Spiritual Living, The Secret of a Happy Life, The Divine Romance with God