Journey to Self-Realization by Paramahansa Yogananda – 2019 Facebook Reading Event

Please join our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group for a group reading of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Journey to Self-Realization. Beginning on January 6th through February 18th, a chapter/lecture a day will be read (44 chapters for a total of 44 reading days). All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us. Please follow the reading schedule listed below.

Facebook Event Page:

We ask that you please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting — and directly pertaining to the Journey to Self-Realization lecture material. On your posts, we ask that you kindly identify the name of the talk and the reading day/date.

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us.

We hope you enjoy our group reading event and pray that it inspires and blesses you! Jai Guru, dear friends! πŸ™‚
Jai Guru!!!


Journey to Self-Realization Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 1 – Jan 6: How to Express Everlasting Youthfulness

Day 2 – Jan 7: Remolding Your Life

Day 3 – Jan 8: A World of Cosmic Entertainment

Day 4 – Jan 9: Why God Created the World

Day 5 – Jan 10: How God Is Pulling Us Back to Him

Day 6 – Jan 11: Acquiring Attunement With the Source of Success

Day 7 – Jan 12: Business, Balance, Inner Peace…

Day 8 – Jan 13: Probing the Core of Nervousness

Day 9 – Jan 14: Divine Harmony

Day 10 – Jan 15: What Is Truth?

Day 11 – Jan 16: The Omnipresent Consciousness of Christ and Krishna

Day 12 – Jan 17: Spiritual Selfishness Versus Evil Selfishness

Day 13 – Jan 18: Did We Meet Before?

Day 14 – Jan 19: The Art of Getting Along in This World

Day 15 – Jan 20: The Psychology of Touchiness

Day 16 – Jan 21: Why Love Succeeds Where Jealousy Fails

Day 17 – Jan 22: Invite the Christ Consciousness Within You

Day 18 – Jan 23: What Is the True Equality of Man?

Day 19 – Jan 24: The Need for Universal Religious Principles

Day 20 – Jan 25: Mahatma Gandhi: Apostle of Peace

Day 21 – Jan 26: Nations, Beware!

Day 22 – Jan 27: A United World With God As President

Day 23 – Jan 28: Is God a Dictator?

Day 24 – Jan 29: Receiving God’s Answers to Your Prayers

Day 25 – Jan 30: The Wisdom Way to Overcome Karma

Day 26 – Jan 31: Realize Your Christ-Immortality!

Day 27 – Feb 1: Increasing Your Magnetism

Day 28 – Feb 2: Preparing for Your Next Incarnation

Day 29 – Feb 3: The True Signs of Progress in Meditation

Day 30 – Feb 4: Focusing the Power of Attention for Success

Day 31 – Feb 5: Quickening Human Evolution

Day 32 – Feb 6: Proof of God’s Existence

Day 33 – Feb 7: Doubt, Belief, and Faith

Day 34 – Feb 8: Visions of India: Evolving the Higher Self

Day 35 – Feb 9: Miracles of Raja Yoga

Day 36 – Feb 10: Resurrection: Renewing & Transforming…

Day 37 – Feb 11: Oneness in the Infinite Christ

Day 38 – Feb 12: “Oh, What Joy!”

Day 39 – Feb 13: Be One With Christ Consciousness

Day 40 – Feb 14: Make New Determinations: Be What You Want to Be!

Day 41 – Feb 15: “Thy Love Alone Suffices”: An Evening of Divine Communion

Day 42 – Feb 16: Be a Conqueror of Hearts

Day 43 – Feb 17: How to Quicken Your Spiritual Progress

Day 44 – Feb 18: Realizing God in Your Daily Life