Paramahansa Yogananda’s The Divine Romance Facebook Group Reading

Please join our Devotee2Devotee community for a group reading of Paramahansa Yogananda’s The Divine Romance. Beginning on May 27th through July 12th, a chapter/lecture a day will be read (47 chapters for a total of 47 reading days). All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us. Please follow the reading schedule listed below.

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us – guiding and blessing us! Please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting – and directly pertaining to The Divine Romance lecture material. Jai Guru!!!

Divine Romance Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 1 – May 27th: How to Cultivate Divine Love

Day 2 – May 28th: A New Look at the Origin and Nature of Cosmic Creation

Day 3 – May 29th: Practicing Religion Scientifically

Day 4 – May 30th: Finding the Joy in Life

Day 5 – May 31st: What Is Fate?

Day 6 – June 1st: The End of the World

Day 7 – June 2nd: The Why and How of Religion

Day 8 – June 3rd: Spectrum of Spiritual Consciousness

Day 9 – June 4th: Mind: Repository of Infinite Power

Day 10 – June 5th: Why Evil Is a Part of God’s Creation

Day 11 – June 6th: The Mystery of Mahatma Gandhi

Day 12 – June 7th: Magnetism: Inherent Power of Soul

Day 13 – June 8th: Psychological Furniture

Day 14 – June 9th: The Unknown Potential of Memory

Day 15 – June 10th: Harmonize Physical Mental Spiritual Methods Healing

Day 16 – June 11th: Mind Power Can Help You Lose or Gain Weight

Day 17 – June 12th: How to Work Without Fatigue

Day 18 – June 13th: Ridding Consciousness of Worry

Day 19 – June 14th: If God Is Free From Karma, Why Aren’t We?

Day 20 – June 15th: Yoga Art Overcoming Mortal Consciousness & Death

Day 21 – June 16th: How Feelings Mask the Soul

Day 22 – June 17th: The Yoga Ideal of Renunciation Is For All

Day 23 – June 18th: With All Thy Getting, Get Understanding

Day 24 – June 19th: Criticism

Day 25 – June 20th: Where Is Jesus Now, and What Is He Doing?

Day 26 – June 21st: Do Souls Reincarnate?

Day 27 – June 22nd: Where Are Our Departed Loved Ones?

Day 28 – June 23rd: Reflections on Love

Day 29 – June 24th: The Known and the Unknown

Day 30 – June 25th: Controlling Your Destiny

Day 31 – June 26th: Guests—Good and Bad

Day 32 – June 27th: How to Free Yourself From Bad Habits

Day 33 – June 28th: The Garden of Flowering Qualities

Day 34 – June 29th: Oriental & Occidental Christianity

Day 35 – June 30th: A World Without Boundaries

Day 36 – July 1st: To Know God Is to Love All

Day 37 – July 2nd: How You Can Approach God

Day 38 – July 3rd: The Cosmic Lover

Day 39 – July 4th: Personal and Impersonal God

Day 40 – July 5th: How to Find a Way to Victory

Day 41 – July 6th: I Am Blessed to Behold Him

Day 42 – July 7th: Take God With You Through Life

Day 43 – July 8th: The Aurora of Bliss

Day 44 – July 9th: Answer the Call of Christ!

Day 45 – July 10th: Divine Communion With God and Christ

Day 46 – July 11th: The Eternal Romance

Day 47 – July 12th: A Scripture of Love

Paramahansa Yogananda’s Whispers from Eternity Facebook Reading Event

Please join our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group for a group reading of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Whispers from Eternity. Beginning on April 29th through May 18th, we will organize the poems into a 20-day reading event. All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us. Please follow the reading schedule listed below.

Whispers is available in several formats via the SRF bookstore:

Whispers is also available in several formats via the YSS bookstore:

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us.

We hope you enjoy our group reading event and pray that it inspires and blesses you! Jai Guru!!!


Whispers from Eternity Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 1 – April 29th:

Adoring Thee through all the aeons
Affirmation for healing others
All creation is Thine inimitable handiwork
All power is divine
An ever present Sentry of Light (also available as ‘Ever present Sentry of Light, An)
At play with Thee
At Thy touch, dumb matter speaks
Aum, the heartbeat of creation
Awake and ready
Beauty of Thy plan, The
“Be happy, My child!”
Be my Captain

Day 2 – April 30th:

Be Thou my Beacon of Wisdom
Be thou my Sun and Moon
Be Thou President of a United World
Bless me, that my five senses encounter only goodness
Blow through the flute of my being
Blue-rayed lotus of Thy feet, The
Boom Thou on the shores of my mind
Butterfly of eternity, A
By trials may I perfect myself
Caravan of my prayers is moving onward, The
Come, O perfect Joy!
Come out of the cocoon of delusion

Day 3 – May 1st:

Come to me as Buddha
Come to me as Mohammed
Come to me as Moses
Come to me as Swami Shankara
Come to me in a tangible human form
Come to me, O Christ, as the Good Shepherd
Come to me, O Krishna, as the Divine Cowherd
Correct my defective vision
Crying in the wilderness
Darkness vanishes before Thy light
Death’s reply
Destroying the fortress of ignorance

Day 4 – May 2nd:

Devotee’s aspiration, The
Devotee’s vow, The
Dewdrops of repentance
Divine Sculptor, The
Diving for the Pearl of Great Price
Doors everywhere
Dreaming, I thought I was awake
Each of us reflects Thine individuality
Ego, the impersonator
Fivefold taper of my senses, The
Forest of delusion ablaze, The
Forget me not, though I forget Thee

Day 5 – May 3rd:

For Thee, a bouquet of all loves
From joy I came, for joy I live
Gandhi, the Mahatma—“great soul”
Gaze of Truth, The
Give me fervor in divine love
Give me the humblest place within Thy heart
Give us a true conception of brother hood
Giving smiles to everyone
Glance Thou into my ardent eyes
God alone!
Guard my from highway robbers
Guide me, O soul Charioteer!

Day 6 – May 4th:

Happiness is our birthright
Hasten Thou the day
Healing affirmation
Heal us in body, mind, and soul
Heavenly Hart, I hunted Thee in the forest of Consciousness
Heavenly Thief of Hearts
“Hello, playmate, I am here!” (poem)
Help me to win the battle of life
Honeycomb of my heart, The
I adore Thee in the language of love
I am a spark of Thy cosmic fire
I am wave of joy

Day 7 – May 5th:

I am building a rainbow bridge to reach Thee
I am Homeward bound at last
I am immortal Spirit
I am Thy babe of eternity
I am Thy bird of paradise
I am Thy divine dewdrop
I am Thy tiny hummingbird
I asked Thee: “What is sin?”
I beheld Thee hiding in a flower
I beheld Thee in thy dances of creation, preservation, and destruction
I bow to Thee everywhere
I come with the myrrh of reverence

Day 8 – May 6th:

I fly from life to life
I have dreamed many dreams
I heard Thy gentle voice saying: ”Come Home”
Immortalizing rays of Spirit, The
In appearance, many; in essence, One
Infinitude’s happy child
In my heart’s patch of flowers
Inspirit us with generosity
In the bursts of blue brine
In the garden of my life
In the nightly garden of dreams
Invincible Lion of the Self

Day 9 – May 7th:

I play hide-and-seek with Thee
I remember, I remember!
I shall be a messenger of joy
I shall spread Thy holy Name
I shall swim in the sea of souls
I swept Thy wisdom’s ocean of treasure
I valiantly struggle toward Thee
I was shipwrecked on the ocean of life
I wear my scars as roses of courage
I will be Thine always
I will be Thy naughty baby, O divine Mother!
I yearn to hear thy unique voice

Day 10 – May 8th:

Keep me away from evil
Lark that drinks Thy raindrops, The
Lead me to the royal highway of realization
Let all rest in the shade of my peace
Lord’s Prayer: a humble interpretation, The
Make me a smile millionaire
Make me clean again, Divine Mother
Master Mariner, take charge of my boat
May cocktails of devotion induce God-intoxication
May human love become divine love
May I abandon the anger habit
May I act from free choice, not habit

Day 11 – May 9th:

May I be cheerfully busy
May I calm the storms of restless desires
May I discipline the senses
May I drown in Thine Ocean and live
May I exude only sweetness
May I find my Self in all
May I find Thy love in all
May I forgive all
May I help, not punish, wrongdoers
May I live less by food and more by cosmic light
May I love thee as saints love Thee
May I make others happy

Day 12 – May 10th:

May I overcome fear
May I reap the harvest of Cosmic Consciousness
May I savor with Thy zest all innocent pleasures
May I see goodness in others
May I still the gale of passions
May my gratitude be changeless
May my love for Thee be unfading
May our hearts repeat Thy Name
Meditation and devotion
Melody of human brotherhood, The
Misleading folly fires

Day 13 – May 11th:

My Guru, Sri Yukteswar
My Home is Heaven
My journey’s end
My taper of remembrance of Thee
Nightingale of heaven, A
Not against my will, O Death!
O Colossal Denizen of the Deeps!
O Fairy Song of Love Everlasting!
O Lord, our first duty is to Thee
O magic music of my soul!
Open the petaled bars of our heart buds
O Spirit, I worship Thee in all shrines

Day 14 – May 12th:

O Spirit, reveal Thyself as thou art
Our purified rivers reach Thy Sea
Overcoming my enemies: bad habits
O Virtue! Thou art infinitely more charming than Vice
O Wine of Centuries!
Prayer at dawn
Prayer at eventide
Prayer at night
Prayer at noon
Prayer before meditation
Prayer before taking food
Prayer for peace

Day 15 – May 13th:

Prayer for supply of immediate needs
Prayer for the Great Enlightenment
Prayer of loyalty, A
Prayer of my heart
Prayer to the Holy Trinity
Prince of peace, sitting on the throne of poise, A
Purify me in furnace of trials
Remove Thou the veils of creation
Removing the cork of ignorance
Removing the debris of delusion
Repair my nerve wires, O Mystic Electrician!
Restore our transparency

Day 16 – May 14th:

Revive my friendship with Thee
Rhythms of futurity, The
Right thinking of prosperity
River of ardour, A
Salutation to god as the Great Preceptor
Salutation to Spirit
Save me from sense slavery
Save me from wrong beliefs
Save us from the dragnet of delusion
Seraphic strains of Aum, The
Spiritualize us, O Infinite Alchemist!
Star that leads to Christ child, The

Day 17 – May 15th:

Stricken are here at Thy door, The
Sun gaze of my love ne’er sets, The
Taper of meditation, The
Tell me Thou hast loved me always
Tell me—wilt Thou be mine?
Terrors of mundane delusion are but dreams
Thine approaching feet
Thine eagle of soul progress
Thine is the Sole Life
Thou art ever busy, O Cosmic Potter!
Thou art hiding behind a veil of cosmic rays
Thou art Love

Day 18 – May 16th:

Thou art my Best Friend
Thou art my Protector
Thou art my Well-Wisher
Thou art Peace and Silence
Thou art plainly present
Thou art the Cause of all
Thou are the Fountain of Love
Thou art the highest goal of man
Thou art the Sole Doer
Thou art visible as Mother Nature
Thou didst baptize me in the flood of Thy grace
Thou didst teach me the language of angels

Day 19 – May 17th:

Thou dost ever behold me
Thought at Christmas
Thou has many Names
Thou hast no body
Thou hast satisfied my soul hunger
Thou lookest for my coming
Thy danse macabre
Thy light in the sunless ocean depths
Thy light transfigures all creation
Thy magnum opus of Aum
Thy pristine song gushed through me
Thy simple song of joy
Thy station, JOY

Day 20 – May 18th:

Unbroken oneness
Universal daily prayer for divine guidance
Untutored song of my heart, The
Vision of Christ and Krishna, A
We are actors in thy cosmic pictures
We are Thy burned children, wailing for Thy help
We demand as Thy children
Welcome, O Majestic Personage!
We unite to worship Thee, O Spirit!
What bliss at the sight of Thy light!
Whispers of Eternity
Why dost Thou seem so far away!
Wondrous eyes of Christ, The

Only Love Facebook Reading Event

Please join us for a group reading of Only Love by Sri Daya Mata. From March 17th through April 23rd, a chapter a day will be read (33 Chapters and 30 pages of Divine Counsel for a total of 38 reading days). Although there’s a wealth of inspiration from our beloved Ma, please keep your posts and quotes from “Only Love.” All sincere devotees are welcome to join us!

From the SRF website: “Sri Daya Mata was one of the foremost disciples of Paramahansa Yogananda. A true “Mother of Compassion,” as her name signifies, she inspired those of all faiths and from all walks of life with the wisdom and great love of God conveyed through her talks, writings, and recordings.

For more than seventy-five years, she dedicated her heart and soul to loving God and serving the worldwide work of Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India. She was the spiritual head and president of both from 1955 until her passing in 2010.”

Let us participate in this uplifting book event and feel the blessings from our beloved Master and our beloved Ma! We ask that you please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting! These group readings have been very powerful – let’s keep the momentum going! Master presence is clearly with us all!

Jai Guru, Jai Ma


Only Love is available in hardcover and e-book formats from the SRF Online Bookstore:

Only Love is available in softcover and e-book formats from the YSS Online Bookstore:


Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

3/17 – Why Should We Seek God?

3/18 – Man’s Expanding Horizons

3/19 – Our Divine Destiny

3/20 – Qualities of a Devotee

3/21 – Understanding One Another

3/22 – How to Change Others

3/23 – Lessons We Can Learn from Others

3/24 – The Importance of Loving God

3/25 – Spiritualizing Life

3/26 – The View of the Wise Toward Life’s Experiences

3/27 – Thoughts on Right Attitude

3/28 – Spiritual Opportunity in the New Year

3/29 – The Secret of Forgiving

3/30 – A Time for Prayer, a Time for Surrender

3/31 – Man’s Need for God

4/1 – How to Find Favor with God

4/2 – Secrets of Spiritual Progress

4/3 – Is Meditation on God Compatible with Modern Life?

4/4 – The Only Way to Happiness

4/5 – Heaven Lies Within

4/6 – Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods

4/7 – Experiences with My Guru, Paramahansa Yogananda

4/8 – The Path of Devotion

4/9 – A Blessing from Mahavatar Babaji

4/10 – The Spirit of Truth

4/11 – Do Avatars Have Karma?

4/12 – Our Oneness in God

4/13 – The Only Answer to Life

4/14 – Walk Inwardly with God

4/15 – Learning to Behave

4/16 – How to Know God

4/17 – Take Your Troubles to God

4/18 – The Spiritual Goals of Self-Realization Fellowship

4/19 – God is the Greatest Treasure, God is the Answer to Every Problem, The Psychological Battlefield of Good & Evil, Self-realization is Found in Inner Silence, We Have No Time to Waste

4/20 – Be on Fire for God, Divine Love Makes Each Soul Unique, Let God Help Carry Your Load, Rely on God Alone, Give God a Chance

4/21 – Admonition for Advancement on the Path, Divine Love is the Motivation of Right Activity, The Delusion of Mortal Consciousness, The Privilege of Serving God, Goals for a New Year

4/22 – We are Bound Together by Love, The Divine Mother as Disciplinarian, Bringing Out the Best Within Us, The Power of Discrimination

4/23 – Watch Your Own Thoughts and Actions, A Pattern for Spiritual Living, The Secret of a Happy Life, The Divine Romance with God

Paramahansa Yogananda & Swami Sri Yukteswar Mahasamadhi Facebook Commemorative Event March 4 – 10, 2024

Please join our Devotee2Devotee group in commemorating the 2024 Mahasamadhis of Paramahansa Yogananda and Swami Sri Yukteswar. We are honoring our beloved Gurus by posting our devotional thoughts, favorite photos, and inspirational quotes from the Self-Realization / Yogoda Satsanga Society of India publications and talks. Our 7-day event will take place from March 4th – March 10th, 2024.


During this Guru commemoration event, we may each choose from all the SRF/YSS sources that talk about Paramahansa Yogananda and Swami Sri Yukteswar – whatever appeals to us at any time during the event.

Our teachings say that the commemoration dates of our Gurus “ARE PARTICULARLY AUSPICIOUS; THEN, SPECIAL BLESSINGS FLOW FROM THE GREAT ONES INTO RECEPTIVE HEARTS.” One way we can make our hearts more receptive is to READ about the Guru from our SRF/YSS teachings during the days leading up to these special dates. On this event page we may want to share quotes, photos, SRF/YSS related chants and videos, etc. We may also share photos of our personal altars or video of chants we have made.

Jai Guru!


Suggested Sources – SRF/YSS quotes only, please!:

For a detailed biography of Paramahansa Yogananda and excerpts from his writings, please visit the official SRF and YSS websites:

~~ AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI, (Orange-cover, Complete Edition published by Self-Realization Fellowship)


~~ THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST—see INDEX under ‘Sri Yukteswar’

~~ MEJDA: The Family and the Early Life of Paramahansa Yogananda

~~ References to Sri Yukteswar are found in Paramahansaji’s books: DIVINE ROMANCE; MAN’S ETERNAL QUEST; JOURNEY TO SELF-REALIZATION

~~ SRF magazines; Convocation Monastic lecture notes; CDs and DVDs of Monastics; there may be references in other SRF/YSS publications also.

Journey to Self-Realization Facebook Reading Event

Please join us for a group reading of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Journey to Self-Realization. Beginning on January 6th through February 18th, a chapter/lecture a day will be read (44 chapters for a total of 44 reading days). All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us. Please follow the reading schedule listed below.

We ask that you please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting — and directly pertaining to the Journey to Self-Realization lecture material. In your posts, we ask that you kindly identify the name of the talk and the reading day/date.

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us.

We hope you enjoy our group reading event and pray that it inspires and blesses you! Jai Guru!!!


Journey to Self-Realization Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 1 – Jan 6: How to Express Everlasting Youthfulness

Day 2 – Jan 7: Remolding Your Life

Day 3 – Jan 8: A World of Cosmic Entertainment

Day 4 – Jan 9: Why God Created the World

Day 5 – Jan 10: How God Is Pulling Us Back to Him

Day 6 – Jan 11: Acquiring Attunement With the Source of Success

Day 7 – Jan 12: Business, Balance, Inner Peace…

Day 8 – Jan 13: Probing the Core of Nervousness

Day 9 – Jan 14: Divine Harmony

Day 10 – Jan 15: What Is Truth?

Day 11 – Jan 16: The Omnipresent Consciousness of Christ and Krishna

Day 12 – Jan 17: Spiritual Selfishness Versus Evil Selfishness

Day 13 – Jan 18: Did We Meet Before?

Day 14 – Jan 19: The Art of Getting Along in This World

Day 15 – Jan 20: The Psychology of Touchiness

Day 16 – Jan 21: Why Love Succeeds Where Jealousy Fails

Day 17 – Jan 22: Invite the Christ Consciousness Within You

Day 18 – Jan 23: What Is the True Equality of Man?

Day 19 – Jan 24: The Need for Universal Religious Principles

Day 20 – Jan 25: Mahatma Gandhi: Apostle of Peace

Day 21 – Jan 26: Nations, Beware!

Day 22 – Jan 27: A United World With God As President

Day 23 – Jan 28: Is God a Dictator?

Day 24 – Jan 29: Receiving God’s Answers to Your Prayers

Day 25 – Jan 30: The Wisdom Way to Overcome Karma

Day 26 – Jan 31: Realize Your Christ-Immortality!

Day 27 – Feb 1: Increasing Your Magnetism

Day 28 – Feb 2: Preparing for Your Next Incarnation

Day 29 – Feb 3: The True Signs of Progress in Meditation

Day 30 – Feb 4: Focusing the Power of Attention for Success

Day 31 – Feb 5: Quickening Human Evolution

Day 32 – Feb 6: Proof of God’s Existence

Day 33 – Feb 7: Doubt, Belief, and Faith

Day 34 – Feb 8: Visions of India: Evolving the Higher Self

Day 35 – Feb 9: Miracles of Raja Yoga

Day 36 – Feb 10: Resurrection: Renewing & Transforming…

Day 37 – Feb 11: Oneness in the Infinite Christ

Day 38 – Feb 12: “Oh, What Joy!”

Day 39 – Feb 13: Be One With Christ Consciousness

Day 40 – Feb 14: Make New Determinations: Be What You Want to Be!

Day 41 – Feb 15: “Thy Love Alone Suffices”: An Evening of Divine Communion

Day 42 – Feb 16: Be a Conqueror of Hearts

Day 43 – Feb 17: How to Quicken Your Spiritual Progress

Day 44 – Feb 18: Realizing God in Your Daily Life

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda Facebook Reading Event – Nov 18 – Jan 5

Our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group is hosting our annual group reading and online discussion of Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda and we invite you to join in as thousands of devotees worldwide partake in the yearly tradition of this daily reading. From November 18th through January 5th (Guruji’s Birthday), a chapter a day will be read (49 chapters for 49 days). We will be using the Orange Cover and Complete Version of Autobiography of a Yogi published by Self-Realization Fellowship (copyright 1946-present).

Please join us!

God Talks with Arjuna, The Bhagavad Gita by Paramahansa Yogananda – Facebook Reading Event: March 1 – August 24, 2023

Please join Devotee2Devotee for our 2023 group reading of God Talks with Arjuna – The Bhagavad Gita by Paramahansa Yogananda. Beginning on Wednesday, March 1st, and going through Thursday, August 24th, our book event will take place over 177 days. Each day’s reading varies from 5 – 8 pages, so please read the schedule very carefully. We ask that you post short quotes – try to keep your quotes to one short paragraph or less! All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us. Please follow the reading schedule listed below.

GTWA Event Page:

GTWA is available from the SRF online bookstore:

SRF offers an e-book version of GTWA:

GTWA is available in English from the YSS online bookstore:

GTWA is available in Hindi from the YSS online bookstore:

YSS offers an e-book version of GTWA:

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! We ask that you please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting — and directly pertaining to the GTWA book material.

Jai Krishna! Jai Guru!


GTWA Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 01 – March 1st – Preface: xi-xv

Day 02 – March 2nd – Intro: xvii-xxii

Day 03 – March 3rd – Intro: xxiii-xxviii

Day 04 – March 4th –Intro: xxix-xxxiv

Day 05 – March 5th –Intro: xxxv-xlii

Day 06 – March 6th – CHAPTER 1 -Verse 1: 3-8

Day 07 – March 7th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 1: 9-15

Day 08 – March 8th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 1: 16-21

Day 09 – March 9th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 1: 22-27

Day 10 – March 10th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 1: 28-33

Day 11 – March 11th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 1: 34-40

Day 12 – March 12th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 1: 41-48

Day 13 – March 13th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 2: 49-53

Day 14 – March 14th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 3: 53-57

Day 15 – March 15th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 4 to 6: 57-64

Day 16 – March 16th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 4 to 6: 65-70

Day 17 – March 17th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 4 to 6: 71-78

Day 18 – March 18th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 7 to 8: 78-84

Day 19 – March 19th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 7 to 8: 85-90

Day 20 – March 20th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 9: 90-98

Day 21 – March 21st – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 10 to 11: 98-106

Day 22 – March 22nd – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 11 to 12: 107-112

Day 23 – March 23rd – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 13 to 18: 113-120

Day 24 – March 24th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 18 to 19: 121-126

Day 25 – March 25th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 20-23: 127-132

Day 26 – March 26th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 24 to 26: 132-139

Day 27 – March 27th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 27 to 30: 139-144

Day 28 – March 28th — CHAPTER 1 – Verse 31 to 35: 144-150

Day 29 – March 29th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 36 to 39: 150-157

Day 30 –March 30th – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 40 to 43: 157-163

Day 31 – March 31st – CHAPTER 1 – Verse 44 to 47: 164-167

Day 32 – April 1st – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 1 to 3: 171-179

Day 33 – April 2nd – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 4 to 5: 179-185

Day 34 – April 3rd – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 6 to 8: 186-191

Day 35 – April 4th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 9 to 11: 192-197

Day 36 – April 5th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 12 to 14: 197-203

Day 37 – April 6th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 15 to 18: 203-210

Day 38 – April 7th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 19 to 21: 210-217

Day 39 – April 8th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 22 to 23: 217-222

Day 40 – April 9th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 24 to 25: 222-228

Day 41 – April 10th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 26 to 28: 228-234

Day 42 – April 11th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 29: 234-239

Day 43 – April 12th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 30: 239-244

Day 44 – April 13th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 31: 244-249

Day 45 – April 14th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 32 to 33: 249-257

Day 46 – April 15th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 34 to 37: 257-264

Day 47 – April 16th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 38 to 39: 264-270

Day 48 – April 17th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 40 to 44: 270-276

Day 49 – April 18th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 45 to 46: 276-281

Day 50 – April 19th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 47: 281-287

Day 51 – April 20th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 48 to 50: 287-292

Day 52 – April 21st – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 51 to 56: 293-299

Day 53 – April 22nd – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 57 to 59: 299-305

Day 54 – April 23rd – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 60 to 63: 305-311

Day 55 – April 24th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 64 to 69: 311-319

Day 56 – April 25th – CHAPTER 2 – Verse 70 to 72: 319-325

Day 57 – April 26th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 1 to 3: 329-335

Day 58 – April 27th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 4 to 6: 335-343

Day 59 – April 28th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 7 to 9: 343-350

Day 60 – April 29th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 10 to 11: 350-360

Day 61 – April 30th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 12 to 13: 360-366

Day 62 – May 1st – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 14 to 16: 366-373

Day 63 – May 2nd – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 17 to 21: 373-379

Day 64 – May 3rd – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 22 to 24: 380-386

Day 65 – May 4th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 25 to 27: 386-392

Day 66 – May 5th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 28 to 31: 392-398

Day 67 – May 6th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 32 to 35: 399-404

Day 68 – May 7th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 36 to 39: 405-411

Day 69 – May 8th – CHAPTER 3 – Verse 40 to 43: 411-419

Day 70 – May 9th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 1 to 2: 423-431

Day 71 – May 10th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 3 to 6: 432-438

Day 72 – May 11th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 7 to 8: 439-444

Day 73 – May 12th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 8 to 9: 445-451

Day 74 – May 13th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 10 to 12: 451-455

Day 75 – May 14th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 13: 455-460

Day 76 – May 15th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 14 to 16: 460-465

Day 77 – May 16th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 17 to 18: 465-471

Day 78 – May 17th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 19 to 23: 471-477

Day 79 – May 18th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 24 to 25: 477-484

Day 80 – May 19th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 26: 484-489

Day 81 – May 20th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 27 to 28: 489-496

Day 82 – May 21st – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 29: 496-507

Day 83 – May 22nd – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 30 & 31: 507-512

Day 84 – May 23rd – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 32 to 36: 512-519

Day 85 – May 24th – CHAPTER 4 – Verse 37 to 42: 519-528

Day 86 – May 25th – CHAPTER 5 – Verse 1 to 5: 531-537

Day 87 – May 26th – CHAPTER 5 – Verse 6 to 10: 537-542

Day 88 – May 27th – CHAPTER 5 – Verse 11 to 14: 542-548

Day 89 – May 28th – CHAPTER 5 – Verse 15 to 16: 548-554

Day 90 – May 29th – CHAPTER 5 – Verse 17 to 20: 554-562

Day 91 – May 30th – CHAPTER 5 – Verse 21 to 26: 562-569

Day 92 – May 31st – CHAPTER 5 – Verse 27 to 29: 569-579

Day 93 – June 1st – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 1: 585-592

Day 94 – June 2nd – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 2 to 4: 592-597

Day 95 – June 3rd – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 5 to 10: 598-604

Day 96 – June 4th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 11 to 13: 604-609

Day 97 – June 5th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 13 to 14: 610-614

Day 98 – June 6th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 14 to 15: 615-621

Day 99 – June 7th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 16 to 19: 621-625

Day 100 – June 8th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 20 to 24: 625-630

Day 101 – June 9th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 25 to 30: 630-636

Day 102 – June 10th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 31 to 36: 636-642

Day 103 – June 11th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 37 to 41: 642-648

Day 104 – June 12th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 42 to 45: 649-654

Day 105 – June 13th – CHAPTER 6 – Verse 46 to 47: 654-660

Day 106 – June 14th – CHAPTER 7 – Verse 1 to 3: 663-669

Day 107 – June 15th – CHAPTER 7 – Verse 4 to 6: 669-675

Day 108 – June 16th – CHAPTER 7 – Verse 7 to 10: 675-680

Day 109 – June 17th – CHAPTER 7 – Verse 11 to 14: 681-687

Day 110 – June 18th – CHAPTER 7 – Verse 15 to 19: 688-695

Day 111 – June 19th – CHAPTER 7 – Verse 20 to 24: 695-699

Day 112 – June 20th – CHAPTER 7 – Verse 25 to 30: 700-707

Day 113 – June 21st –CHAPTER 8 – Verse 1 to 3: 711-717

Day 114 – June 22nd – CHAPTER 8 – Verse 4 to 6: 717-722

Day 115 – June 23rd – CHAPTER 8 – Verse 7 to 10: 722-727

Day 116 – June 24th – CHAPTER 8 – Verse 11 to 16: 728-732

Day 117 – June 25th – CHAPTER 8 – Verse 17 to 19: 732-738

Day 118 – June 26th – CHAPTER 8 – Verse 20 to 28: 738-745

Day 119 – June 27th – CHAPTER 9 – Verse 1 to 8: 749-754

Day 120 – June 28th – CHAPTER 9 – Verse 9 to 16: 754-757

Day 121 – June 29th – CHAPTER 9 – Verse 17 to 25: 758-762

Day 122 – June 30th – CHAPTER 9 – Verse 26 to 34: 762-766

Day 123 – July 1st – CHAPTER 10 – Verse 1 to 6: 769-773

Day 124 – July 2nd – CHAPTER 10 – Verse 7 to 17: 774-780

Day 125 – July 3rd – CHAPTER 10 – Verse 18 to 24: 780-786

Day 126 – July 4th – CHAPTER 10 – Verse 25 to 27: 786-791

Day 127 – July 5th – CHAPTER 10 – Verse 28 to 30: 791-797

Day 128 – July 6th – CHAPTER 10 – Verse 31 to 33: 797-801

Day 129 – July 7th – CHAPTER 10 – Verse 34 to 36: 802-806

Day 130 – July 8th – CHAPTER 10 – Verse 37 to 42: 806-811

Day 131 – July 9th – CHAPTER 11 – Verse 1 to 34: 815-823

Day 132 – July 10th – CHAPTER 11 – Verse 1 to 34: 824-828

Day 133 – July 11th – CHAPTER 11 – Verse 35 to 55: 829-835

Day 134 – July 12th – CHAPTER 12 – Verse 1 to 5: 839-843

Day 135 – July 13th – CHAPTER 12 – Verse 6 to10: 843-847

Day 136 – July 14th – CHAPTER 12 – Verse 11 to 15: 848-853

Day 137 – July 15th – CHAPTER 12 – Verse 16 to 20: 853-857

Day 138 – July 16th –CHAPTER 13 – Verse 1: 861-866

Day 139 – July 17th – CHAPTER 13 – Verse 1: 867-872

Day 140 – July 18th – CHAPTER 13 – Verse1: 873-876

Day 141 – July 19th – CHAPTER 13 – Verse 2 to 6: 876-884

Day 142 – July 20th— CHAPTER 13 – Verse 7 to 18: 884-889

Day 143 – July 21st – CHAPTER 13 – Verse 19 to 23: 889-894

Day 144 – July 22nd – CHAPTER 13 – Verse 24 to 34: 894-901

Day 145 – July 23rd – CHAPTER 14 – Verse 1 to 8: 905-909

Day 146 – July 24th – CHAPTER 14 – Verse 9 to 15: 910-915

Day 147 – July 25th – CHAPTER 14 – Verse 16 to 20: 915-920

Day 148 – July 26th – CHAPTER 14 – Verse 21 to 27: 920-923

Day 149 – July 27th – CHAPTER 15 – Verse 1: 927-932

Day 150 – July 28th – CHAPTER 15 – Verse 2 to 6: 933-937

Day 151 – July 29th – CHAPTER 15 – Verse 7 to 12: 937-941

Day 152 – July 30th – CHAPTER 15 – Verse 13: 942-946

Day 153 – July 31st – CHAPTER 15 – Verse 14 to 20: 947-952

Day 154 – August 1st – CHAPTER 16 – Verse 1 to 3: 955-960

Day 155 – August 2nd – CHAPTER 16 – Verse 1 to 3: 961-966

Day 156 – August 3rd – CHAPTER 16 – Verse 1 to 3: 967-971

Day 157 – August 4th – CHAPTER 16 – Verse 4 to 20: 971-976

Day 158 – August 5th – CHAPTER 16 -Verse 21 to 24: 977-983

Day 159 – August 6th – CHAPTER 17 – Verse 1 to 4: 987-993

Day 160 – August 7th – CHAPTER 17 – Verse 5 to 13: 993-998

Day 161 – August 8th–CHAPTER 17-Verse 14 to 20: 999-1004

Day 162–August 9th–CHAPTER 17-Verse 21 to 28: 1005-1012

Day 163 – August 10th–CHAPTER 18-Verse 1 to 6: 1015-1021

Day 164–August 11th–CHAPTER 18-Verse 7 to 12: 1021-1026

Day 165–August 12th–CHAPTER 18-Verse13 to 18:1026-1031

Day 166–August 13th–CHAPTER 18-Verse19 to 24:1032-1037

Day 167–August 14th–CHAPTER 18-Verse25 to 28:1038-1042

Day 168–August 15th–CHAPTER 18-Verse29 to 37:1043-1049

Day 169–August 16th–CHAPTER 18-Verse38 to 41:1049-1055

Day 170–August 17th–CHAPTER 18-Verse42 to 44:1056-1062

Day 171–August 18th–CHAPTER 18-Verse45 to 48:1062-1069

Day 172–August 19th–CHAPTER 18-Verse49 to 57:1069-1076

Day 173–August 20th–CHAPTER 18-Verse58 to 61:1076-1081

Day 174–August 21st–CHAPTER 18-Verse62 to 65:1082-1089

Day 175–August 22nd-CHAPTER 18-Verse66 to69:1089-1095

Day 176–August 23rd–CHAPTER 18-Verse70 to78:1095-1103

Day 177–August 24th–Afterword & Ode to the Bhagavad Gita

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda: 2022-2023 Facebook Reading Event – Nov 18th – Jan 5th!

Our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group is hosting our annual group reading and online discussion of Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda and we invite you to join in as thousands of devotees worldwide partake in the yearly tradition of this daily reading. From November 18th through January 5th (Guruji’s Birthday), a chapter a day will be read (49 chapters for 49 days). We will be using the Orange Cover and Complete Version of Autobiography of a Yogi published by Self-Realization Fellowship (copyright 1946-present).

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! We ask that you please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting — and directly pertaining to the “AY” material. You may also supplement the event by posting contemporary and historical photos of places in India and America, as well as images of those mentioned in the text.

All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us. Please follow the reading schedule listed below. Jai Guru!!!


AY Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Nov 18th: Chapter 1 – My Parents and Early Life

Nov 19th: Chapter 2 – My Mother’s Death and the Mystic Amulet

Nov 20th: Chapter 3 – The Saint With Two Bodies

Nov 21st: Chapter 4 – My Interrupted Flight Toward the Himalayas

Nov 22nd: Chapter 5 – A “Perfume Saint” Displays His Wonders

Nov 23rd: Chapter 6 – The Tiger Swami

Nov 24th: Chapter 7 – The Levitating Saint

Nov 25th: Chapter 8 – India’s Great Scientist, J. C. Bose

Nov 26th: Chapter 9 – The Blissful Devotee and His Cosmic Romance

Nov 27th: Chapter 10 – I Meet My Master, Sri Yukteswar

Nov 28th: Chapter 11 – Two Penniless Boys in Brindaban

Nov 29th: Chapter 12 – Years in My Master’s Hermitage

Nov 30th: Chapter 13 – The Sleepless Saint

Dec 1sth: Chapter 14 – An Experience in Cosmic Consciousness

Dec 2nd: Chapter 15 – The Cauliflower Robbery

Dec 3rd: Chapter 16 – Outwitting the Stars

Dec 4th: Chapter 17 – Sasi and the Three Sapphires

Dec 5th: Chapter 18 – A Mohammedan Wonder-Worker

Dec 6th: Chapter 19 – My Master, in Calcutta, Appears in Serampore

Dec 7th: Chapter 20 – We Do Not Visit Kashmir

Dec 8th: Chapter 21 – We Visit Kashmir

Dec 9th: Chapter 22 – The Heart of a Stone Image

Dec 10th: Chapter 23 – I Receive My University Degree

Dec 11th: Chapter 24 – I Become a Monk of the Swami Order

Dec 12th: Chapter 25 – Brother Ananta and Sister Nalini

Dec 13th: Chapter 26 – The Science of Kriya Yoga

Dec 14th: Chapter 27 – Founding a Yoga School in Ranchi

Dec 15th: Chapter 28 – Kashi, Reborn and Discovered

Dec 16th: Chapter 29 – Rabindranath Tagore and I Compare Schools

Dec 17th: Chapter 30 – The Law of Miracles

Dec 18th: Chapter 31 – An Interview With the Sacred Mother

Dec 19th: Chapter 32 – Rama Is Raised From the Dead

Dec 20th: Chapter 33 – Babaji, Yogi-Christ of Modern India

Dec 21st: Chapter 34 – Materializing a Palace in the Himalayas

Dec 22nd: Chapter 35 – The Christlike Life of Lahiri Mahasaya

Dec 23rd: Chapter 36 – Babaji’s Interest in the West

Dec 24th: Chapter 37 – I Go to America

Dec 25th: Chapter 38 – Luther Burbank — A Saint Amid the Roses

Dec 26th: Chapter 39 – Therese Neumann, the Catholic Stigmatist

Dec 27th: Chapter 40 – I Return to India

Dec 28th: Chapter 41 – An Idyl in South India

Dec 29th: Chapter 42 – Last Days With My Guru

Dec 30th: Chapter 43 – The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar

Dec 31st: Chapter 44 – With Mahatma Gandhi at Wardha

Jan 1st: Chapter 45 – The Bengali “Joy-Permeated Mother”

Jan 2nd: Chapter 46 – The Woman Yogi Who Never Eats

Jan 3rd: Chapter 47 – I Return to the West

Jan 4th: Chapter 48 – At Encinitas in California

Jan 5th: Chapter 49 – The Years 1940– 1951

How You Can Talk with God & The Law of Success by Paramahansa Yogananda Reading Event Aug 5-11, 2022

Our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group is hosting a group reading of the SRF YSS booklets “How You Can Talk with God” & “The Law of Success” by Paramahansa Yogananda. Our 7-day event will begin on Friday, August 5th, and end on Thursday, August 11th. Please follow the reading schedule listed on the event page.

We invite you to post short quotes (2-3 sentences) from the text. Please identify the page number and the date on your posts. Please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting — and directly pertaining to the two SRF YSS booklets.

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us.

We hope you enjoy our group reading event and pray that it inspires and blesses you! Jai Guru, dear friends! 🙂


Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

August 5th – Day 1: How You Can Talk with God – Introduction ( up to Is God Personal or Impersonal)

August 6th – Day 2: Meaning of “The Image of God” ( up to One with God, One with God’s Power.)

August 7th – Day 3: God Talks through Vibration ( up to Do not be satisfied with less than the Highest.)

August 8th – Day 4: Why Postpone Happiness ( up to God Answers the Heart Whispers of True Devotion.)

August 9th – Day 5: The Law of Success – Introduction ( up to Failures should arouse Determination.)

August 10th – Day 6: Need for Self Analysis ( up to From the Ocean of Abundance)

August 11th – Day 7: The Way of Meditation (up to Put God’s Power Behind Your Efforts)

Mahavatar Babaji Remembrance Day Facebook Event:  July 24-30, 2022

PLEASE JOIN our Devotee2Devotee FB group for our Mahavatar Babaji Remembrance Day/Smriti Divas Commemoration 7-day event starting July 24 and ending on July 30. Please Note: WE ARE USING PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA’S SRF/YSS TEACHINGS ONLY!!


Our Guru Paramahansa Yogananda has said that there is celebration in the astral on the special days of our Great Gurus, and that when we tune in to these vibrations we receive special blessings. One way we can tune in is to start in advance bringing the Guru into our consciousness by reading about him from our SRF/YSS teachings and sharing quotes and photos with each other.

The commemoration day events are separate and somewhat different from our book reading events. Instead of everyone reading the same material at the same time, as in our book events, we are suggesting that we each choose from all the SRF/YSS sources that talk about Babaji whatever appeals to us at any time during the event. (It’s ok if quotes or photos are repeated during the event). Suggested sources include those listed below. Devotees may also share photos of their altars, or video of chants you have made if you wish. Also video from youtube may be shared if it is YSS/SRF related.

*NOTE~~This is a public event, meaning it is open to all members and friends of our Gurus and SRF/YSS outside the D2D group as well. So feel free to invite others. Just click the ‘Invite’ button under the page banner or type in friends’ names in the blank provided above. You can also ‘share’ this page by clicking under the ‘invite’ button. ♥


AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI—especially Ch. 33 “Babaji–Yogi-Christ of Modern India” and Ch. 36 “Babaji’s Interest in the West.” Also see the long list of specific references in the index under ‘Babaji’ which include references in other chapters.


THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST—see index under ‘Babaji’

HOLY SCIENCE—see index under ‘Babaji’

ONLY LOVE, by Daya Mata—chapter, “A Blessing from Mahavatar Babaji” p. 184

And other various references about Babaji throughout the SRF/YSS teachings!

*NOTE: There is now a lot of ‘information’ on the internet about Babaji (and our other Gurus). However, we will study the teachings of our Guru Paramahansa Yogananda for the purposes of this event.