Journey to Self-Realization by Paramahansa Yogananda -2020 Facebook Reading Event

Please join our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group for a group reading of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Journey to Self-Realization. Beginning on July 7th through August 19th, a chapter/lecture a day will be read (44 chapters for a total of 44 reading days). All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us. Please follow the reading schedule listed below.

We ask that you please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting — and directly pertaining to the Journey to Self-Realization lecture material. On your posts, we ask that you kindly identify the name of the talk and the reading day/date.

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us.

We hope you enjoy our group reading event and pray that it inspires and blesses you! Jai Guru, dear friends! πŸ™‚
Jai Guru!!!

Journey to Self-Realization Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 1 – July 7th: How to Express Everlasting Youthfulness 3

Day 2 – July 8th: Remolding Your Life 17

Day 3 – July 9th: A World of Cosmic Entertainment 30

Day 4 – July 10th: Why God Created the World 42

Day 5 – July 11th: How God Is Pulling Us Back to Him 51

Day 6 – July 12th: Acquiring Attunement With the Source of Success 66

Day 7 – July 13th: Business, Balance, Inner Peace… 75

Day 8 – July 14th: Probing the Core of Nervousness 83

Day 9 – July 15th: Divine Harmony 99

Day 10 – July 16th: What Is Truth? 107

Day 11 – July 17th: The Omnipresent Consciousness of Christ and Krishna 114

Day 12 – July 18th: Spiritual Selfishness Versus Evil Selfishness 122

Day 13 – July 19th: Did We Meet Before? 131

Day 14 – July 20th: The Art of Getting Along in This World 138

Day 15 – July 21st: The Psychology of Touchiness 155

Day 16 – July 22nd: Why Love Succeeds Where Jealousy Fails 159

Day 17 – July 23rd: Invite the Christ Consciousness Within You 168

Day 18 – July 24th: What Is the True Equality of Man? 176

Day 19 – July 25th: The Need for Universal Religious Principles 178

Day 20 – July 26th: Mahatma Gandhi: Apostle of Peace 191

Day 21 – July 27th: Nations, Beware! 197

Day 22 – July 28th: A United World With God As President 201

Day 23 – July 29th: Is God a Dictator? 207

Day 24 – July 30th: Receiving God’s Answers to Your Prayers 220

Day 25 – July 31st: The Wisdom Way to Overcome Karma 229

Day 26 – August 1st: Realize Your Christ-Immortality! 241

Day 27 – August 2nd: Increasing Your Magnetism 247

Day 28 – August 3rd: Preparing for Your Next Incarnation 254

Day 29 – August 4th: The True Signs of Progress in Meditation 265

Day 30 – August 5th: Focusing the Power of Attention for Success 268

Day 31 – August 6th: Quickening Human Evolution 283

Day 32 – August 7th: Proof of God’s Existence 297

Day 33 – August 8th: Doubt, Belief, and Faith 300

Day 34 – August 9th: Visions of India: Evolving the Higher Self 311

Day 35 – August 10th: Miracles of Raja Yoga 318

Day 36 – August 11th: Resurrection: Renewing & Transforming… 330

Day 37 – August 12th: Oneness in the Infinite Christ 346

Day 38 – August 13th: “Oh, What Joy!” 352

Day 39 – August 14th: Be One With Christ Consciousness 355

Day 40 – August 15th: Make New Determinations: Be What You Want to Be! 365

Day 41 – August 16th: “Thy Love Alone Suffices”: An Evening of Divine Communion 372

Day 42 – August 17th: Be a Conqueror of Hearts 378

Day 43 – August 18th: How to Quicken Your Spiritual Progress 390

Day 44 – August 19th: Realizing God in Your Daily Life 403

The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda ~ 2020 Facebook Reading Event

Our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group is hosting our third group reading of The Divine Romance by Paramahansa Yogananda. From May 13th through June 28th, a chapter/talk a day will be read (47 chapters over 47 days). Please follow the reading schedule listed below.

Please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting — and directly pertaining to The Divine Romance material. On your posts, we ask that you kindly identify the name of the talk and the reading day/date.

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us.

We hope you enjoy our group reading event and pray that it inspires and blesses you! Jai Guru, dear friends! πŸ™‚

Divine Romance Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 1 – May 13th: How to Cultivate Divine Love

Day 2 – May 14th: A New Look at the Origin and Nature of Cosmic Creation

Day 3 – May 15th: Practicing Religion Scientifically

Day 4 – May 16th: Finding the Joy in Life

Day 5 – May 17th: What Is Fate?

Day 6 – May 18th: The End of the World

Day 7 – May19th: The Why and How of Religion

Day 8 – May 20th: The Spectrum of Spiritual Consciousness

Day 9 – May 21st: The Mind: Repository of Infinite Power

Day 10 – May 22nd: Why Evil Is a Part of God’s Creation

Day 11 – May 23rd: The Mystery of Mahatma Gandhi

Day 12 – May 24th: Magnetism: The Inherent Power of the Soul

Day 13 – May 25th: Psychological Furniture

Day 14 – May 26th: The Unknown Potential of Memory

Day 15 – May 27th: Harmonizing Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Methods of Healing

Day 16 – May 28th: Mind Power Can Help You Lose or Gain Weight

Day 17 – May 29th: How to Work Without Fatigue

Day 18 – May 30th: Ridding the Consciousness of Worry

Day 19 – May 31st: If God Is Free From Karma, Why Aren’t We?

Day 20 – June 1st: The Yoga Art of Overcoming Mortal Consciousness and Death

Day 21 – June 2nd: How Feelings Mask the Soul

Day 22 – June 3rd: The Yoga Ideal of Renunciation Is For All

Day 23 – June 4th: “With All Thy Getting, Get Understanding”

Day 24 – June 5th: Criticism

Day 25 – June 6th: Where Is Jesus Now, and What Is He Doing?

Day 26 – June 7th: Do Souls Reincarnate?

Day 27 – June 8th: Where Are Our Departed Loved Ones?

Day 28 – June 9th: Reflections on Love

Day 29 – June 10th: The Known and the Unknown

Day 30 – June 11th: Controlling Your Destiny

Day 31 – June 12th: Guestsβ€”Good and Bad

Day 32 – June 13th: How to Free Yourself From Bad Habits

Day 33 – June 14th: The Garden of Flowering Qualities

Day 34 – June 15th: Oriental and Occidental Christianity

Day 35 – June 16th: A World Without Boundaries

Day 36 – June 17th: To Know God Is to Love All

Day 37 – June 18th: How You Can Approach God

Day 38 – June 19th: The Cosmic Lover

Day 39 – June 20th: Personal and Impersonal God

Day 40 – June 21st: How to Find a Way to Victory

Day 41 – June 22nd: “I Am Blessed to Behold Him”

Day 42 – June 23rd: Take God With You Through Life

Day 43 – June 24th: The Aurora of Bliss

Day 44 – June 25th: Answer the Call of Christ!

Day 45 – June 26th: Divine Communion With God and Christ

Day 46 – June 27th: The Eternal Romance

Day 47 – June 28th: A Scripture of Love

2020 Facebook Reading Event – Man’s Eternal Quest by Paramahansa Yogananda

Our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group is hosting our third group reading of Man’s Eternal Quest by Paramahansa Yogananda. From March 16th through May 12th, a chapter/talk a day will be read (58 chapters over 58 days). Please follow the reading schedule listed on the event page. Join us online or read on your own from home!

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us — guiding and blessing us! All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us.

We hope you enjoy our group reading event and pray that it inspires and blesses you! Jai Guru, dear friends! πŸ™‚

Jai Guru!!!

Man’s Eternal Quest – Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 1 – March 16th: How Seekers First Found God 3

Day 2 – March 17th: The Universality of Yoga 13

Day 3 – March 18th: The Infinite Nature of God 21

Day 4 – March 19th: Answered Prayers 32

Day 5 – March 20th: Making Religion Scientific 44

Day 6 – March 21st: Understanding the Unreality of Matter 55

Day 7 – March 22nd: Man’s Greatest Adventure 60

Day 8 – March 23rd: Self-Analysis: Key to the Mastery of Life 73

Day 9 – March 24th: Healing by God’s Unlimited Power 81

Day 10 – March 25th: Eliminating Static of Fear from Mind Radio 91

Day 11 – March 26th: Nervousnessβ€”Cause and Cure 98

Day 12 – March 27th: The Physical and Spiritual Rewards of Fasting 102

Day 13 – March 28th: Self-realization: Criterion of Religion 108

Day 14 – March 29th: The Desire That Satisfies All Desires 121

Day 15 – March 30th: In God Is All Happiness 133

Day 16 – March 31st: How to Be More Likable 139

Day 17 – April 1st : Developing Personality 149

Day 18 – April 2nd: The Divine Art of Making Friends 155

Day 19 – April 3rd: The True Experience of Spiritual Ecstasy 160

Day 20 –April 4th: Three Paths to Cosmic Consciousness 165

Day 21 – April 5th: Be a Smile Millionaire 172

Day 22 – April 6th: Lord, Possess Us with Thy Love 180

Day 23 – April 7th: Controlling Your New Year’s Destiny 184

Day 24 – April 8th: How to Outwit Temptation 192

Day 25 – April 9th: Curing Mental Alcoholics 199

Day 26 – April 10th: Overcoming Malignant Moods 203

Day 27 – April 11th: Reincarnation Can Be Scientifically Proven 211

Day 28 – April 12th: Reincarnation: The Soul’s Journey to Perfection 216

Day 29 – April 13th: Will Jesus Reincarnate Again? 229

Day 30 – April 14th: The Dream Nature of the World 237

Day 31 – April 15th: God’s Nature in the Mother and the Father 246

Day 32 – April 16th: Looking at Creation with Seeing Eyes 251

Day 33 – April 17th: The Invisible Man 261

Day 34 – April 18th: What Are Ghosts? 269

Day 35 – April 19th: Jesus: A Christ of East and West 283

Day 36 – April 20th: Christ and Krishna: Avatars of the One Truth 294

Day 37 – April 21st: Ten Commandments: Eternal Rules of Happiness 308

Day 38 – April 22nd: How to Read Character 317

Day 39 – April 23rd: How to Be Happy at Will 324

Day 40 – April 24th: Steps Toward the Universal Christ Consciousness 328

Day 41 – April 25th: Even-Mindedness in a World of Change 337

Day 42 – April 26th: The Balanced Life (Curing Mental Abnormalities) 347

Day 43 – April 27th: Increasing the Power of Initiative 353

Day 44 – April 28th: Who Made God? 360

Day 45 – April 29th: Missing Link Between Consciousness and Matter 364

Day 46 – April 30th: Is God a Father or a Mother? 370

Day 47 – May 1st: The Art of Developing Memory 380

Day 48 – May 2nd: Man’s Eternal Quest 386

Day 49 – May 3rd: The Art of Living 399

Day 50 – May 4th: Habitβ€”Your Master or Your Slave? 404

Day 51 – May 5th: Creating and Destroying Habits at Will 410

Day 52 – May 6th: Developing Dynamic Will 420

Day 53 – May 7th: Seek God Now! . . . 431

Day 54 – May 8th: Why Waste Time? God Is the Joy You Seek 439

Day 55 – May 9th: God as Light and Joy 448

Day 56 – May 10th: Have I Found God? 455

Day 57 – May 11th: The Purpose of Life Is to Find God 457

Day 58 – May 12th: God! God! God! (poem) 463

Livestreamed SRF Centennial Inaugural Celebration With Brother Chidananda

The livestreamed SRF Centennial Inaugural Celebration With Brother Chidananda will be held on Sunday, January 5, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. (PST)

Per the SRF email announcement:

“We invite you to join us for a livestreamed event on January 5, 2020, 9:30 a.m. (PST) to inaugurate the centennial of Paramahansa Yogananda’s coming to America and founding Self-Realization Fellowship to disseminate the teachings of Kriya Yoga worldwide. Taking place on the birth anniversary of Sri Yogananda, this celebration will be led by SRF/YSS President Brother Chidananda with monastics at the SRF International Headquarters in Los Angeles.

If you are not able to join for the livestream, the video will continue to be available on our website and the SRF YouTube channel to watch at your convenience.”

Please note: The grounds of the SRF International Headquarters will be closed during this event. Many of our temples, centers, and groups are hosting viewing events for this program.

Jai Guru!

2019 Reading of Autobiography of a Yogi

Dear Friends,

Our Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group is hosting our annual group reading and online discussion of Autobiography of a Yogi. Please join in as thousands of devotees worldwide partake in the annual tradition of this daily reading. From November 18th through January 5th (Guruji’s Birthday), a chapter a day will be read (49 chapters for 49 days). We will be using the Orange Cover and Complete Version of Autobiography of a Yogi published by Self-Realization Fellowship (copyright 1946-present).

Our group readings have been a blessing for many. Master is joyfully with us β€” guiding and blessing us!Β Β Please join us online on Facebook:Β OR read on your own or with a group of devotees at home.

For our Facebook event, we ask that you please keep ALL posts positive and uplifting β€” and directly pertaining to the β€œAY” material. You may also supplement the event by posting contemporary and historical photos of places in India and America, as well as images of those mentioned in the text.

All sincere devotees of our Guru are welcome to join us!

Please share our reading schedule with your devotee friends and meditation groups!  Jai Guru!!!

AY is available in a variety of formats, including paperback from theΒ SRF Online Bookstore, paperback from theΒ YSS Online Bookstore,Β iTunesΒ in the U.S.,Β Audio CD versionΒ (Narrated by Ben Kingsley),Β Kindle VersionΒ (U.S. Amazon),Β SRF e-bookΒ version, andΒ Amazon’s India Online Store.

AY Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Nov 18th: Chapter 1 – My Parents and Early Life

Nov 19th: Chapter 2 – My Mother’s Death and the Mystic Amulet

Nov 20th: Chapter 3 – The Saint With Two Bodies

Nov 21st: Chapter 4 – My Interrupted Flight Toward the Himalayas

Nov 22nd: Chapter 5 – A β€œPerfume Saint” Displays His Wonders

Nov 23rd: Chapter 6 – The Tiger Swami

Nov 24th: Chapter 7 – The Levitating Saint

Nov 25th: Chapter 8 – India’s Great Scientist, J. C. Bose

Nov 26th: Chapter 9 – The Blissful Devotee and His Cosmic Romance

Nov 27th: Chapter 10 – I Meet My Master, Sri Yukteswar

Nov 28th: Chapter 11 – Two Penniless Boys in Brindaban

Nov 29th: Chapter 12 – Years in My Master’s Hermitage

Nov 30th: Chapter 13 – The Sleepless Saint

Dec 1st: Chapter 14 – An Experience in Cosmic Consciousness

Dec 2nd: Chapter 15 – The Cauliflower Robbery

Dec 3rd: Chapter 16 – Outwitting the Stars

Dec 4th: Chapter 17 – Sasi and the Three Sapphires

Dec 5th: Chapter 18 – A Mohammedan Wonder-Worker

Dec 6th: Chapter 19 – My Master, in Calcutta, Appears in Serampore

Dec 7th: Chapter 20 – We Do Not Visit Kashmir

Dec 8th: Chapter 21 – We Visit Kashmir

Dec 9th: Chapter 22 – The Heart of a Stone Image

Dec 10th: Chapter 23 – I Receive My University Degree

Dec 11th: Chapter 24 – I Become a Monk of the Swami Order

Dec 12th: Chapter 25 – Brother Ananta and Sister Nalini

Dec 13th: Chapter 26 – The Science of Kriya Yoga

Dec 14th: Chapter 27 – Founding a Yoga School in Ranchi

Dec 15th: Chapter 28 – Kashi, Reborn and Discovered

Dec 16th: Chapter 29 – Rabindranath Tagore and I Compare Schools

Dec 17th: Chapter 30 – The Law of Miracles

Dec 18th: Chapter 31 – An Interview With the Sacred Mother

Dec 19th: Chapter 32 – Rama Is Raised From the Dead

Dec 20th: Chapter 33 – Babaji, Yogi-Christ of Modern India

Dec 21st: Chapter 34 – Materializing a Palace in the Himalayas

Dec 22nd: Chapter 35 – The Christlike Life of Lahiri Mahasaya

Dec 23rd: Chapter 36 – Babaji’s Interest in the West

Dec 24th: Chapter 37 – I Go to America

Dec 25th: Chapter 38 – Luther Burbank β€” A Saint Amid the Roses

Dec 26th: Chapter 39 – Therese Neumann, the Catholic Stigmatist

Dec 27th: Chapter 40 – I Return to India

Dec 28th: Chapter 41 – An Idyl in South India

Dec 29th: Chapter 42 – Last Days With My Guru

Dec 30th: Chapter 43 – The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar

Dec 31st: Chapter 44 – With Mahatma Gandhi at Wardha

Jan 1st: Chapter 45 – The Bengali β€œJoy-Permeated Mother”

Jan 2nd: Chapter 46 – The Woman Yogi Who Never Eats

Jan 3rd: Chapter 47 – I Return to the West

Jan 4th: Chapter 48 – At Encinitas in California

Jan 5th: Chapter 49 – The Years 1940– 1951

Lahiri Mahasaya Celebration Event – Sept. 17-30, 2019

PLEASE JOIN our Devotee2Devotee Facebook group for our 14-day celebration event on Facebook starting September 17th leading up to the commemoration days of LAHIRI MAHASAYA — Mahasamadhi on September 26th and Birth Anniversary on September 30th.

Everyone may post quotes by or about LAHIRI MAHASAYA or just read others’ posts. Please Note: WE ARE USING PARAMAHANSA YOGANANDA’S SRF/YSS TEACHINGS ONLY!!

Our Guru Paramahansa Yogananda has said that there is celebration in the astral on the special days of our Great Gurus, and that when we tune in to these vibrations we receive special blessings. One way we can tune in is to start in advance bringing the Guru into our consciousness by reading about him from our SRF/YSS teachings and sharing quotes and photos with each other.

The commemoration day events are separate and somewhat different from our book reading events. Instead of everyone reading the same material at the same time, as in our book events, we are suggesting that we each choose from all the SRF/YSS sources that talk about Lahiri Mahasaya whatever appeals to us at any time during the event. (It’s ok if quotes or photos are repeated during the event).

Suggested sources include Autobiography of a Yogi, Man’s Eternal Quest, Divine Romance, Journey to Self-Realization, God Talks with Arjuna, Second Coming of Christ, Holy Science, Mejda, Sri Daya Mata’s books, any other SRF CD, Video, or written publication (including information from the SRF/YSS websites), and notes/transcripts from SRF/YSS Monastic lectures. Devotees may also share photos of their altars (with or without a written devotional offering), or video of chants you have made if you wish. Also video from YouTube may be shared if it is YSS/SRF related.

Swami Smaranandaji has also talked of the importance of bringing in the Gurus into our meditations, and he said that around their commemoration dates, for instance, he brings in Christ for those few weeks, and for Janmashtami, Bhagavan Krishna. So we may also want to practice this at home in our personal meditations for both Lahiri Mahasaya’s daysβ€”another way to tune in to the holy vibrations.

*NOTE~~This is a public event, meaning it is open to all members and friends of our Gurus and SRF/YSS outside the D2D group as well. So feel free to invite others. Just click the ‘Invite’ button under the page banner or type in friends’ names in the blank provided above. You can also ‘share’ this page by clicking under the ‘invite’ button. β™₯