Supreme Swan offers free delivery to Convocation Hotels!

From our dear devotee-friends at Supreme Swan!
Getting ready for Convocation? This Silk and Wool Meditation Wedge Cushion is designed specifically for meditation. It is unequaled for support and comfort. When placed on a chair it will put you in the perfect upright position – ready for meditation. Order now for free delivery to any hotel in Los Angeles – just select “PERSONAL DELIVERY” when checking out!

Updated Devotee Artist & Business Pages

Dear Friends, We have just updated our devotee business webpages and have organized these listings into three different pages. Please let me know if you have a business or if you are an artist and would like a free listing. Here are the pages:

Devotee Authors & Artists:

Devotee Business & Professional Services:

Online Devotee Retailers:

Please help us to build a strong and supportive devotee website!

Thank you! Jai Guru

What’s New for June!

Dear Friends,

We’ve made several changes to our website this month!  First of all, we have moved our Dr. Lewis Lecture Notes from the forums to our website.  They are now in a secure place, so please enjoy the inspiration.

We have added an SRF Convocation Photo Gallery.  All Convocation notes and photos are on our SRF/YSS Lecture Notes page.  Please enjoy!

We have also uploaded many more devotee Facebook pages to our list.  These pages are created and maintained by very loyal and devout SRF/YSS lay-disciples and are completely public to all Facebook users.

As a reminder, our official Devotee2Devotee Facebook Group is a secret group and cannot be accessed by the public.  Maintaining a “secret” group assures privacy, and helps us to create a personal space for prayer requests and personal devotion.  It is our desire to keep all posts visible only to our devotee family.

We have created a Friends of Devotee2Devotee Facebook page for all those who would like to communicate their desire to be added into our official group.  “Friends of” is a public “landing page” where you may write a post requesting to be added into our official group page.  All sincere followers of Paramahansa Yogananda are welcome!

That’s it for June!  Enjoy our website!

Jai Guru,

Pat Swenson 🙂

D2D Second Coming of Christ Book Reading Event on Facebook

Hi everyone!

On March 1st, we will begin our second reading of Paramahansa Yogananda’s The Second Coming of Christ! Please join us on our Facebook event page or read on your own. Here is the link to our public Facebook event page (you need a Facebook account):

Beginning on Sunday, March 1, 2017 and going through Sunday, October 11, 2017, our book event will take place over 225 days. Each day’s reading varies from 5 – 8 pages.

I’m pasting our reading schedule below if you want to read along with us! Enjoy the blessings.

Available from the Self-Realization Fellowship online bookstore:

Available from the YSS online bookstore:

Jai Christ, Jai Guru,


2017 SCC Reading Schedule – Join Us When You Can!

Day 01 – March 1st – Preface: xiii-xx

Day 02 – March 2nd – Intro: xxi-xxvii

Day 03 – March 3rd – Intro: xxviii-xxxiii

Day 04 – March 4th – Discourse 1: 1-6

Day 05 – March 5th – Discourse 1: 7-12

Day 06 – March 6th – Discourse 1: 13-18

Day 07 – March 7th – Discourse 1: 18-23

Day 08 – March 8th – Discourse 1: 24-29

Day 09 – March 9th – Discourse 1: 29-32

Day 10 – March 10th – Discourse 2: 33-40

Day 11 – March 11th – Discourse 2: 40-45

Day 12 – March 12th – Discourse 2: 46-50

Day 13 – March 13th – Discourse 3: 51-56

Day 14 – March 14th – Discourse 3: 57-62

Day 15 – March 15th – Discourse 4: 63-70

Day 16 – March 16th – Discourse 4: 71-78

Day 17 – March 17th – Discourse 5: 79-87

Day 18 – March 18th – Discourse 5: 88-94

Day 19 – March 19th – Discourse 6: 95-103

Day 20 – March 20th – Discourse 6: 103-109

Day 21 – March 21st – Discourse 6: 110-116

Day 22 – March 22nd – Discourse 6: 117-121

Day 23 – March 23rd – Discourse 6: 122-126

Day 24 – March 24th – Discourse 7: 127-134

Day 25 – March 25th – Discourse 7: 135-141

Day 26 – March 26th – Discourse 7: 141-148

Day 27 – March 27th – Discourse 7: 148-154

Day 28 – March 28th – Discourse 8: 155-161

Day 29 – March 29th – Discourse 8: 162-167

Day 30 – March 30th – Discourse 8: 168-173

Day 31 – March 31st – Discourse 8: 174-179

Day 32 – April 1st – Discourse 9: 181-187

Day 33 – April 2nd – Discourse 9: 188-193

Day 34 – April 3rd – Discourse 10: 195-200

Day 35 – April 4th – Discourse 10: 201-205

Day 36 – April 5th – Discourse 10: 206-212

Day 37 – April 6th – Discourse 11: 213-219

Day 38 – April 7th – Discourse 11: 220-224

Day 39 – April 8th – Discourse 12: 225-230

Day 40 – April 9th – Discourse 12: 231-235

Day 41 – April 10th – Discourse 13: 237-242

Day 42 – April 11th – Discourse 13: 243-247

Day 43 – April 12th – Discourse 13: 247-253

Day 44 – April 13th – Discourse 14: 255-262

Day 45 – April 14th – Discourse 14: 263-269

Day 46 – April 15th – Discourse 15: 271-278

Day 47 – April 16th – Discourse 15: 278-284

Day 48 – April 17th – Discourse 16: 285-292

Day 49 – April 18th – Discourse 17: 293-297

Day 50 – April 19th – Discourse 17: 298-302

Day 51 – April 20th – Discourse 18: 303-307

Day 52 – April 21st – Discourse 18: 308-312

Day 53 – April 22nd – Discourse 19: 313-320

Day 54 – April 23rd – Discourse 19: 321-327

Day 55 – April 24th – Discourse 20: 329-334

Day 56 – April 25th – Discourse 20: 335-340

Day 57 – April 26th – Discourse 21: 341-348

Day 58 – April 27th – Discourse 21: 349-355

Day 59 – April 28th – Discourse 21: 356-362

Day 60 – April 29th – Discourse 21: 363-370

Day 61 – April 30th – Discourse 22: 371-380

Day 62 – May 1st – Discourse 23: 381-386

Day 63 – May 2nd – Discourse 23: 387-392

Day 64 – May 3rd – Discourse 24: 393-400

Day 65 – May 4th – Discourse 24: 401-408

Day 66 – May 5th – Discourse 25: 409-415

Day 67 – May 6th – Discourse 25: 416-422

Day 68 – May 7th – Discourse 25: 423-429

Day 69 – May 8th – Discourse 26: 431-437

Day 70 – May 9th – Discourse 26: 438-444

Day 71 – May 10th – Discourse 26: 444-451

Day 72 – May 11th – Discourse 27: 453-461

Day 73 – May 12th – Discourse 27: 462-469

Day 74 – May 13th – Discourse 27: 470-476

Day 75 – May 14th – Discourse 27: 477-483

Day 76 – May 15th – Discourse 28: 485-493

Day 77 – May 16th – Discourse 28: 494-502

Day 78 – May 17th – Discourse 28: 503-511

Day 79 – May 18th – Discourse 29: 513-521

Day 80 – May 19th – Discourse 29: 522-530

Day 81 – May 20th – Discourse 30: 531-537

Day 82 – May 21st – Discourse 30: 538-543

Day 83 – May 22nd – Discourse 30: 544-549

Day 84 – May 23rd – Discourse 30: 550-557

Day 85 – May 24th – Discourse 31: 559-565

Day 86 – May 25th – Discourse 31: 565-572

Day 87 – May 26th – Discourse 32: 573-580

Day 88 – May 27th – Discourse 32: 580-586

Day 89 – May 28th – Discourse 32: 587-594

Day 90 – May 29th – Discourse 33: 595-602

Day 91 – May 30th – Discourse 33: 603-608

Day 92 – May 31st – Discourse 33: 608-614

Day 93 – June 1st – Discourse 34: 615-623

Day 94 – June 2nd – Discourse 34: 624-632

Day 95 – June 3rd – Discourse 34: 633-641

Day 96 – June 4th – Discourse 35: 643-650

Day 97 – June 5th – Discourse 35: 651-656

Day 98 – June 6th – Discourse 35: 657-663

Day 99 – June 7th – Discourse 36: 665-672

Day 100 – June 8th – Discourse 36: 673-678

Day 101 – June 9th – Discourse 36: 679-684

Day 102 – June 10th – Discourse 37: 685-692

Day 103 – June 11th – Discourse 37: 693-699

Day 104 – June 12th – Discourse 37: 700-706

Day 105 – June 13th – Discourse 37: 707-714

Day 106 – June 14th – Discourse 38: 715-722

Day 107 – June 15th – Discourse 38: 723-728

Day 108 – June 16th – Discourse 38: 729-735

Day 109 – June 17th – Discourse 39: 737-743

Day 110 – June 18th – Discourse 39: 744-749

Day 111 – June 19th – Discourse 40: 751-758

Day 112 – June 20th – Discourse 40: 759-765

Day 113 – June 21st – Discourse 40: 766-773

Day 114 – June 22nd – Discourse 41: 775-783

Day 115 – June 23rd – Discourse 41: 784-790

Day 116 – June 24th – Discourse 41: 791-797

Day 117 – June 25th – Discourse 41: 798-805

Day 118 – June 26th – Discourse 42: 807-814

Day 119 – June 27th – Discourse 42: 815-820

Day 120 – June 28th – Discourse 42: 821-826

Day 121 – June 29th – Discourse 43: 827-833

Day 122 – June 30th – Discourse 43: 834-839

Day 123 – July 1st – Discourse 43: 840-845

Day 124 – July 2nd – Discourse 44: 847-852

Day 125 – July 3rd – Discourse 44: 853-859

Day 126 – July 4th – Discourse 44: 860-865

Day 127 – July 5th – Discourse 44: 866-872

Day 128 – July 6th – Discourse 45: 873-879

Day 129 – July 7th – Discourse 45: 880-885

Day 130 – July 8th – Discourse 45: 886-890

Day 131 – July 9th – Discourse 46: 891-898

Day 132 – July 10th – Discourse 46: 899-906

Day 133 – July 11th – Discourse 47: 907-914

Day 134 – July 12th – Discourse 47: 915-921

Day 135 – July 13th – Discourse 48: 923-931

Day 136 – July 14th – Discourse 48: 932-940

Day 137 – July 15th – Discourse 49: 941-949

Day 138 – July 16th – Discourse 49: 950-957

Day 139 – July 17th – Discourse 50: 959-967

Day 140 – July 18th – Discourse 50: 968-975

Day 141 – July 19th – Discourse 51: 977-984

Day 142 – July 20th – Discourse 51: 985-991

Day 143 – July 21st – Discourse 51: 992-998

Day 144 – July 22nd – Discourse 52: 999-1007

Day 145 – July 23rd – Discourse 52: 1008-1014

Day 146 – July 24th – Discourse 52: 1015-1021

Day 147 – July 25th – Discourse 53: 1023-1030

Day 148 – July 26th – Discourse 53: 1031-1036

Day 149 – July 27th – Discourse 53: 1037-1043

Day 150 – July 28th – Discourse 54: 1045-1052

Day 151 – July 29th – Discourse 54: 1053-1060

Day 152 – July 30th – Discourse 55: 1061-1067

Day 153 – July 31st – Discourse 55: 1068-1073

Day 154 – August 1st – Discourse 55: 1074-1078

Day 155 – August 2nd – Discourse 56: 1079-1086

Day 156 – August 3rd – Discourse 56: 1087-1093

Day 157 – August 4th – Discourse 56: 1094-1100

Day 158 – August 5th – Discourse 57: 1101-1107

Day 159 – August 6th – Discourse 57: 1108-1113

Day 160 – August 7th – Discourse 57: 1114-1118

Day 161 – August 8th – Discourse 58: 1119-1125

Day 162 – August 9th – Discourse 58: 1126-1131

Day 163 – August 10th – Discourse 58: 1132-1137

Day 164 – August 11th – Discourse 59: 1139-1146

Day 165 – August 12th – Discourse 59: 1147-1153

Day 166 – August 13th – Discourse 60: 1155-1163

Day 167 – August 14th – Discourse 60: 1164-1171

Day 168 – August 15th – Discourse 61: 1173-1179

Day 169 – August 16th – Discourse 61: 1180-1185

Day 170 – August 17th – Discourse 61: 1186-1191

Day 171 – August 18th – Discourse 62: 1193-1199

Day 172 – August 19th – Discourse 62: 1200-1205

Day 173 – August 20th – Discourse 62: 1206-1211

Day 174 – August 21st – Discourse 62: 1212-1218

Day 175 – August 22nd – Discourse 63: 1219-1226

Day 176 – August 23rd – Discourse 63: 1227-1233

Day 177 – August 24th – Discourse 63: 1234-1240

Day 178 – August 25th – Discourse 63: 1241-1247

Day 179 – August 26th – Discourse 64: 1249-1256

Day 180 – August 27th – Discourse 64: 1257-1262

Day 181 – August 28th – Discourse 65: 1263-1269

Day 182 – August 29th – Discourse 65: 1270-1275

Day 183 – August 30th – Discourse 65: 1276-1281

Day 184 – August 31st – Discourse 66: 1283-1289

Day 185 – September 1st – Discourse 66: 1290-1294

Day 186 – September 2nd – Discourse 67: 1295-1301

Day 187 – September 3rd – Discourse 67: 1302-1307

Day 188 – September 4th – Discourse 67: 1308-1313

Day 189 – September 5th – Discourse 67: 1314-1319

Day 190 – September 6th – Discourse 67: 1320-1324

Day 191 – September 7th – Discourse 68: 1325-1331

Day 192 – September 8th – Discourse 68: 1332-1336

Day 193 – September 9th – Discourse 69: 1337-1343

Day 194 – September 10th – Discourse 69: 1344-1350

Day 195 – September 11th – Discourse 69: 1351-1357

Day 196 – September 12th – Discourse 70: 1359-1366

Day 197 – September 13th – Discourse 70: 1367-1373

Day 198 – September 14th – Discourse 70: 1374-1380

Day 199 – September 15th – Discourse 70: 1381-1387

Day 200 – September 16th – Discourse 71: 1389-1396

Day 201 – September 17th – Discourse 71: 1397-1403

Day 202 – September 18th – Discourse 71: 1404-1410

Day 203 – September 19th – Discourse 71: 1411-1417

Day 204 – September 20th – Discourse 72: 1419-1426

Day 205 – September 21st – Discourse 72: 1427-1433

Day 206 – September 22nd – Discourse 73: 1435-1442

Day 207 – September 23rd – Discourse 73: 1443-1448

Day 208 – September 24th – Discourse 73: 1449-1454

Day 209 – September 25th – Discourse 73: 1455-1460

Day 210 – September 26th – Discourse 74: 1461-1467

Day 211 – September 27th – Discourse 74: 1468-1473

Day 212 – September 28th – Discourse 74: 1474-1479

Day 213 – September 29th – Discourse 74: 1480-1485

Day 214 – September 30th – Discourse 74: 1486-1492

Day 215 – October 1st – Discourse 75: 1493-1500

Day 216 – October 2nd – Discourse 75: 1501-1506

Day 217 – October 3rd – Discourse 75: 1507-1512

Day 218 – October 4th – Discourse 75: 1513-1518

Day 219 – October 5th – Discourse 75: 1519-1524

Day 220 – October 6th – Readings: 1529-1536

Day 221 – October 7th – Readings: 1537-1543

Day 222 – October 8th – Readings: 1544-1550

Day 223 – October 9th – Readings: 1551-1556

Day 224 – October 10th – Readings: 1557-1561

Day 225 – October 11th – Readings: 1562-1565